Sunday, June 24, 2007

Dear Friends

Dear Friends/People of the Earth (not universe/multiverse as I may other messages for them),

Finally I am enclosing the proposal that I prepared for the Toyota Foundation of Japan for your reading pleasure. I prepared this in May 2007 for the Global Environment Centre. I don't know if this version reached Japan.

I have posted some writings/musings/experiences for your reading pleasure. Please read 'Renewable Energy' until the end as it has important message for humankind. Also please excuse the vulgarity and silly/gibberish writings in between, just absorb the message...

Please read my other blogs at:

I have many sites because I was/am still not blog savvy, am still evolving ma...(the word 'ma' at the end of a sentence is a chinese colloquail way of saying it in Malaysia; if it is 'kah' or 'lah' then it is a malay way of saying it in Malaysia; 'aiyoh' is a famous way of saying oh! my! gosh! in tamil = I represent all).

In all my writings 'DT' means 'Direct Translation' and 'not DT' means 'not direct translation'. Please learn along with me.

A voice said earlier that I am giving absolute power to US by criticizing them too much; my argument is that aren't/weren't they?

Another is asking for play station but not now; another time, when I sell the other insurance policy of mine, I may consider getting one...what do you think?

PROPOSAL FOR toyota foundation of Japan (tolong [dt:please said very humbly in malay language] read through as I have important message to impart with the people of the earth].

1. Cover Sheet

Project Coordinator:





Alternate Contact person:





Amount of Grant requested: ¥5 million (RM147,468)

Project Title:
Unlocking Asia’s Potential through An Environmental Network of Civil Society Organisations

2. Project summary

(1) Objective of network formation and reasons (why is there a need to shed light on the issue that has until now been overlooked? What kind of network needs to be formed to shed light on this issue and to illuminate a path for addressing it? Why? At what stage is the network that will be built in this project (formation or development)?

Southeast Asia houses 500 million people in an area of 4.5 million square kilometres that comprises of a wide variety of eco-systems. The Southeast Asian region is proud to contain 2 of the 13 mega diversity countries in the world: Malaysia and Indonesia. Nevertheless issues related to the environment have always taken the backseat in this region as it has to address the pressing need for poverty alleviation.

Since 1997, Southeast Asian region have been facing serious environmental problems related to the climate change and loss of biodiversity. This is due to forest and peatland clearing for food production. Fires that have been raging across the regions forest and peatlands release huge amounts of Carbon into the atmosphere.

As a result, the global environment is at stake as the hole in the ozone layer continues to deteriorate. At the regional level, countries are suffering from trans-boundary haze problem that is affecting human health. Heavy loss of bio-diversity is faced at local levels, i.e. the orang utan, an endemic species of this region is now endangered. (Faizal, is this information accurate?).

To combat issues related to the environment in the region, an Environmental Network of Civil Society Organisations was formed to address the two most important environmental themes that requires urgent attention: the Climate Change and Bio-Diversity loss.

The Network aims to strengthen the linkages and capacities (through training, seminars, field trips, etc.) of CSOs in the region to enhance synergies and approaches to environmental protection and sustainable development. It is also aimed to enhance communication between ASEAN CSOs through face-face meetings, print materials and a web portal to shed light on issues related to climate change and biodiversity that has until now been overlooked. .

The Network will provide workable solution to address challenges that will be faced in combating these overlooked issues. These issues are considered ‘overlooked’ because they are still persistent in the current year of 2007. The ozone layer continues to deteriorate and the local bio-diversity is reducing at an alarming rate.

Since the network is still at an infant stage, its title and the full details of its working mechanisms have yet to be confirmed. The Network is expected to be formalised in September 2007 during the _________________________.(this information is not in the Draft Report of CSOs ...pls. fill in.)
(2) Content of network and method of formation (what are the special features of the proposed network formation process? In what aspects of the process is its originality to be found? What novel ideas will be used in creating the mechanisms of the network?)

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations or ASEAN was established on 8 August 1967 with current membership consisting of 10 countries (annex 1) to provide an avenue for its members to share wisdom (collaboration) and coexist while accepting each other’s individuality and distinctive qualities (diversity). Nevertheless issues related to the environment have always taken the backseat in the ASEAN as it had to address the pressing need for poverty alleviation.

The ASEAN have always tried to address issues related to the environment through the ASEAN Senior Officials on the Environment (ASOEN) with assistance from the Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) around the region. Having recognised the importance of CSOs, in August 2005, during the meeting on environment (pls write the full title of the meeting), the ASOEN approved a concept proposal on ASEAN Civil Society Organisations Consultative Forum on Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development prepared by the Global Environment Centre (is this information accurate?).
(I would like for us to attach the proposal as an annex but my concern is that we mentioned that “CSOs interaction with ASEAN is limited/non-existent”.. in my opinion this would reflect negatively on us, the CSOs and the ASEAN – pls. advice).

As a result, the Environmental Network of Civil Society Organisations was formed to combat issues related to the environment in the region (among others).

At the follow-up meeting in September 2007, national focal points from all 10 member countries (annex __) and the ASEAN secretariat will form a Project Steering Committee (PSC) to ___________________ (pls advice on the role of the PSC).

It is envisaged that a web portal will be created to facilitate communication between organizations and individuals and will act as a central point for information sharing to shed light on issues that the ASEAN region faces and uncover methods to address them. Annual meetings will be held by the PSC to discuss workplans for the year.

The ASEAN Civil Society Organisations Consultative Forum on Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development was organised by the Malaysian Environmental Non-Governmental Organisations (MeNGO) and the Global Environment Centre in collaboration with the ASEAN Secretariat with funding from United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Hanns Seidel Foundation (Is this info.correct?)

(3). Organizations and individuals who will participate in the network (backgrounds of the organisations and individuals who will participate in the network and roles they will play in the project, incl. info of names, orgs and ages).

All CSOs in the 10 ASEAN countries are participating in the Network (Annex………) (Isn’t this true? Are there CSOs whom are against this idea?). (Mr. Chee, do we have a complete list of all CSOs in the ASEAN region?) The Global Environment Centre has been appointed by the organizing committee to act as the Interim Secretariat until December 2007 and is supported by the ASEAN Secretariat, USAID and the Hanns Seidel Foundation.

3. Anticipated Benefits (1 or 2 pages)

The Environmental Network of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) was formed to address the two most important environmental themes that deserve urgent attention: the Climate Change and the rapid loss of Bio-Diversity.

As of today, the environment of Southeast Asia was not represented well as it was not given adequate importance. As such the formation of the Environmental Network of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) is absolutely important as it has created a platform for the environment to have a voice in the regional political arena. Having an Environmental Network that is supported by the ASEAN Secretariat and various funding agencies will pave way for combating major global environmental issues that are plaguing the earth such as the ozone layer depletion caused by excessive carbon emission and the loss of biodiversity.

The Network will meet once a year to discuss common trans-boundary environmental issues and act as a centre for information exchange. During these meetings, the Network will bring together experts in related fields to build capacity of its members to be flexible and take quick action on issues related to the environment that needs urgent attention such as peatland forest fires and deforestation.

In addition the CSOs will be informed of the global environmental status and the outcomes of International Conventions on the Environment such as the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Convention on Bio-Diversity and its relevance to the respective member countries.

One of the common constraints faced by CSOs in the region is poor access to financial resources. As such the Network will build capacity of its member countries on the accessibility of international funds and ways to approach international donors for issues related to the environment in the Southeast Asia region.

It will develop collaborative partnership to address relative environmental issues and mobilize communities and grass root support for immediate action, avoiding all bureaucratic red-tape that commonly involves political decision making.

Since the Network comprises of diverse cultured environmental NGOs and Civil Societies, it is envisaged to use creative and innovative methods to address complicated issues using limited resources.

Many CSOs in the region are at a lost when it comes to accessing information related to the global environmental development, sustainable development and expertise on environmental conservation and protection. As such the Network will build capacity of CSOs through trainings, seminars and field trips to combat forest fires, deforestation and teach its member countries on how to monitor and report rapidly.

In addition a web-portal will be developed linking all member countries through an electronic forum to keep information exchange and communications flowing and to keep its members active on a day to day basis.

4. Future Prospects (1 or 2 pages)

The proposed vision of the Network is “An environmentally sustainable ASEAN that promotes the well-being of its people and global environment through strong partnership between civil society organisations, governments and other stakeholders in the region”.

The Network will bring together various agencies to combat common global environmental issues in the most effective and efficient way.

As such it is envisaged that the Network will receive appropriate funding to carry out its important mission so that it can grow to be strong and its voice can be heard at the United Nations Environmental Forums and bring global attention to Southeast Asia – the neglected part of the world. Hence address the deterioration of the ozone layer and the rapid loss of our bio-diversity that consist of precious animals and plants; as we have only one common home to share.

It is hoped that the Network will receive adequate funds to conduct a global awareness campaign using international media and international celebrities to enhance awareness on the importance of stopping the usage of cloroflorocarbon (CFC) that is causing the hole in the ozone layer. The Network believes that a small step by common man can make a big difference.

It should be noted that the information related to products that emit CFC is still limited. Such information need to be disseminated to the general public and producers of products containing CFCs will need to be taken to task and pay for the damage they are causing to our beloved Earth.

As a long term plan, the Network will reduce (if not stop completely) the usage/availability of CFC so that the ozone layer will repair itself and assume its role of protecting Earths’ fragile environment from harmful sun-rays and save our sky.

5. Schedule

November 2007 – October 2009.

November 2007 and the network is proposed to be formally established in November 2007 – coinciding with the starting date for the Toyota Foundation Grant.

The grant will support the initial two years of operation of the regional network.

November 2007 - as soon as we are awarded the grant, a


WORKSHOP ON HOW TO SAFE OUR SKY AND BIO-DIVERSITY will be conducted. (please advice).

A 4-day workshop to will be conducted at Sumatera, Indonesia (an important site that needs immediate attention to combat forest fires) to:
- Formalise CSO.
- Assess the availability of national experts whom can provide technical advice on how to safe our sky and our bio-diversity in member countries.
- Provide information related to global environmental development and sustainable development to member countries.
- Assess the availability of Information Technology infrastructure amongst member countries for the development of a regional web portal on climate change and bio-diversity.
- Collate a database of electronic network linkages on how to safe our sky and bio-diversity that will be linked to the web portal.
- Assess the viability of conducting a capacity building program to combat forest fires and deforestation amongst member countries
- Provide information on how to monitor and report forest fires.
- Conduct a field trip to a forest that is on fire to actually understand the urgency required to address problems related to climate change and loss of bio-diversity. We need to see the dying plants and animals to feel for the environment to take immediate actions.

2nd February 2008 – World Wetlands Day to combat forest fires and save our sky and bio-diversity.

The Regional Web Portal on Climate Change and Bio-Diversity will officially be launched in conjunction with the World Wetlands Days at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. This event will be organised in collaboration with the Department of Environment, Malaysia as they are actively campaigning against the usage of cloro-floro-carbon (CFC) with the theme “Save Our Sky”. (Faizal, do we work with the DOE?)

As a follow-up, a 1 week course on fund raising and communication will be held for member countries on the accessibility of national/international funds and ways to approach national/international donors for issues related to the environment in the Southeast Asian region. (Faizal – can we link this with Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman?)

Faizal – there’s so much need to be done for the CSOs. I think the RM147,468 grant by Toyota is sufficient for the 2 activities mentioned above. What do you think? In addition to USAIDS and Hanns Siedel Foundation, are there any other funding agencies that we can approach to support the CSO?

6. Budget and Grants

a. Holding Meetings (expenses for workshops, etc., including participants travel) :
b. Information distribution (mail, website creation, including outsourced work) :
c. Honoraria to people who cooperate with project :
d. Honoraria to project assistants :
e. Domestic travel :
f. Overseas travel :
g. Equipment and furniture :
h. Fees for commissioned work :
i. Rent :
j. Documents and materials :
k. Printing and copying :
l. Supplies :
m. Other expenses :
n. Total budget :

7. Project Coordinator

8. Reason why a Toyota Foundation Grant is needed?
(Why is funding from a private foundation necessary?)

The loss of ozone layer means annihilation of the human race and all that we love. We need all the funds available for the environment to protect the thin layer of atmosphere that is protecting human race. Most of the Southeast Asian governments are still combating poverty alleviation. As such funding from private foundations are absolutely necessary to address challenges related to the environment, especially the climate change as it involves the entire human race.

Toyota Foundation have always cared for the well being of the earth and its people by providing funds to minority groups who need it most. As such we believe that the voice of the neglected Southeast Asia will be heard and the importance of protecting the ozone layer will be felt as much as the minority CSOs in the region.

Let’s join hands in saving our sky.

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