Sunday, June 24, 2007


5.02am; 30th May 2007 (is it?)


Dear Mr. Kamal Hassan…wehrer are you? Actually I wanted to write a fuck …but my fingers need to be exercised…jabbed…poked…prodded…yummy! Been solnga ‘sollunga naan ennapannuvathu’ (Not DT: what am I o do..(is it)?…DT: actually tell I what do )…I just ssaw you bit her that bithc am jealous … why not me ah! Want to bite my cute ass …her was a ….ccanno ell nut actually I am supposed to say lots of dirty thingy because am not …body very upset …haven’t us ed my fingers yet…I forgot how to masturbate…actually what I wuld like is a warm and

Is it ok to fuck a male onlu? Please tell/advice…stillevloving..furur said wea re eveloed alreaduy but sexaulally not uyat lah…teach me a gingga or gtwo pleaes …simple malay/English/tamil/p;lease

“why don’t you come an teach me a thing or two?’ I saw your dane=ce in the kalyanaraman movie…”vettiaya madichhu kattu…blah…blah” … I sawa your actions all , what were yu ding?Were you possed? Am I? Did uoui know ..waht..idnian women have beautiful ass and tits…tits and ass…they’re big isn’t it…what are we saying when we covering them so much..wathc your vetti paati (above) … women tereh wer e … go see-lah…I just saw all my chinese macchaans (some relative-indains are melodramatic that when we lioke someone we like to clal them relatives) each/every time I see n hear the word ‘colloquail”
I love this song…aaaraaroh aaaraaaroh nee veroh naan veroh…existence is my parent and she/he/it taking care of me/us…do you want the translation..ask me nicely and I might tell. I hace lot of compassion (I think) … let me ttarnslate…aiyoh (DT: Oh My God! – not swure)…direct translation : sounds ….nee: you …can’t tell coz English does not justify the bueaty of tamil language…do you know htat we indains have 144 wods..and not just 26 meager English…’shake the pear’….ha1ha1 gotta exercise fingedr – middle one – is it…aiyph! Where is the fucking nail clippers I foeget to ask …my body is upet…Mr. hassan COME NOW! HA1HA1HA1KDLJFA EWF
This is gibberish to remind all of us our late guru osho that fuckign bish fires killed – arson ijowekld…martcheertt is coming hyur way…am carzuy missing osho…he hsn’t spoken to me forl such a long time, how that haopend..go fuck yourselves…that’s why! Mr. President, why did you NOT send your hit men to fuck me today? Am horny…xoz of goring pisang is it? What is h=s? want to know more about goring pisang…go to this place in Taman Melawati, jalan Off Klang Gate, you go st..

raight pass the muslim cemetgary (ooohhhooohh) am scared…v.scared…then…oh! its on your right…go straight (whycannotbend) until you find restoran ‘Nut & Nuddles” a muslind run show that sells all sorts…yu can…praatcialallyu eseaealwrrkoe

NOBODY WANT TO TALK T (furus said small letters too loud) right…Here in Malahysia we say “PADAN MUKA” and ohso says ‘KENA GIBBERISH’ – skeletons in the cupboard…that’s all fornow cos need to go exercise yuou know what….balah…blah…we are so mean……toay czo he nto here…who? Dunno? I think mr. hassan…lose wait and coema hafa]refj894

Actually I don’t …please fuck off and leave me alone for 2 hrs…why? Dunno…

Please don’t judge me..I am very very scared of all…even my hair…she’s dropping away coz I have not taken my calcium tablets. Why? Constipation? Is it? Where is my cozy little office with my 2 plants to complete my life…or I don’t know perrhpas I can type outdoors under the huge tree out side the Kuala Pilah Subramainam temple – actually I wrote this as I was looking at the huge tree that is located within the Subramainam (lord muruga) temple at my home town Kuala Pilah…. Actually we have decided to never use the word god-forsaken ..why? coz we are here…

Dear friends, the huge tree that I was thinking of using as my office have already been butchered/murdered..sob!sob! where do I go to complain?who can we take action against? Where do threes go after they die? Can I visit him/her/it after I die? Do we know? How come? Can I try to find out and give you the answer? If I do, will I too be killed like osho? *tishoom* 2 chinese boys turned up at Permai Seri Unit and gave me an astounding information, it takes only RM500 to shoot another human being like baskaran…shall I?what is happening? Is it so cheap to kill? Is it legal to kill? Why did you keep quiet when saddam was killed? ASLEEP IS IT? If I become the President of fuking USA, can I too kill anyone I don’t like or like? Can I hire these Chinese boys Ken and Terry to kill Bush Fire and Arial the Little Mermaid Sharon – just sold insurance policy and will collect $ soon…I can afford RM1000 for world peace..what are you gonna do? You go kill Ronnie of Howard from Australia for not signing Kyoto Protocol coz can’t afford too much for murder man… lets komplot (cannot tell the translation coz we are rakyat and we are one) ok… am I mad? Evil?bad? NO SILLY…

not you the rakyat…

…wherever as my home is the entire world but not within 4 walls…roof ik…any progress on…the measuring tape? Mr. Chow Kok Kee, can we leave to Washington DC with the documents? Do you have it here? Mr. Bush …Mr President, why are you not in Libya with Mr. Blair and Colonel Gaddafi just now/today/at can’t remember local time? I think they will be there for a week? Who is representing you? Its on anti-terrorish you know? It’s a one-week long talk on anti terrorism and the war on terrorism was started by yourself and your cronies right? Are you once again planning to shirk off your duty to the world as you did with the Kyoto Protocol? Thugs reading bed time stories is it? What time is it there ah? Are you eating well?

I have to ask this ..:why si Russia launching ICBM (INte….) what’s withtehe TREATY! What is ICBM? Inter Continental Bullastic Missile that travels from continent to continent.. whatis Russias message to the world? DON’T FUCK WITH US right?

Can I see the content of teh Nuclear treatu…actually aI don’t know muh about nuclear stuff coz they’re too big or toto small…what is the treaty doing about it…I saw it shoot out of my ROOF the SKY..where does it end-up? Does it explose in/out/within atmosphere? What happens to it ah? Is that the mother-fucker that is causing the hole my ROOF? There’s more but now now…see my fingers don’t want to let me =go yeat.. why? Don’t know , no one to tell me also right…kesian I (poor me). I heard M’sia is going to use Nuclear Power for electricity as ganti (alternate) for fossil fuels…need to speak to Prof. Sukiman Sarmani of UKM … he looked like Baskaran long long time ago..I think I had a crush on him when Baskarna was in Kalanag Prison…he’s now the dean of post graduate studies at UKM…But I think he’s very political now…is it? More later when I know more aboiut nuclear energy and its good and bad? Does anyone know anything anumore? (its now 12.16am of 7/6/07 and the warongs (stalls) are rather vacant but am cought in the furios passion for wiriting…so much to say…what to do … werhe to go to write…BACK TO my room at resort…aiyoh yhyr karaoke there-lah…noise pollution exceeds accepted decibels (DB is it?) of 500 is it…Prof. don’;t-know-whats-his-name-toldmeallaboutitatUKM…learned lots there…)

Why did Pakistan lauch underwater (sea/marine) missile …forgot …cikgu Ismail, please remind me…(he was the most handsome teacher I had way back in 1985…I took tuition from him and he said missile issues ICBMs and Sea, Land, Air Missiles and another …c…we know lots ok)…where ah? Did anybody check out how much damage they caused to the underwater life forms or the earths crust? Why we make don’t know so much? ‘Where do I begin’….I need some answers to be able to be abke ti sleep at night or else pleaes send smaller version of kamal…yummy!

Can we go now to enjoy…poarteh…why am I doing this? So that Malaysian Airlines can make profit Is it? RM133.1m …wow! Whats with dis foreign student identification card…where have I been? Today I went to the police station and …. Is it a figment of my imagination? Or real? Or fantasy? Ha!ha! How come I am alone in this? Whre are my 2 plants? Why no access to internet? Why is the dog howling> scared uh! Who is that dog? Want some chrysanthemum tea? Come see me. I want to talk? Do you? Are youu ready for me now? Havae you done your research? I need MAS to give me unlimited acces to their flights for me to travel free of charge to all/any part of the world to cover issues related to existence/environment/nature/people/poor/women/children/Indian/local-communiyt/UFOs/etc. I will agree to publish in my blog and in their in-flight magazine if you agree…what say you MR…..

HAVAE A NUTTY FESTIVE SEASON AND FUCK OFF FROM DFAJR39RI32R gibberish! Did youu try that ? Nice uh! I heard you….actually no cosz I am gibbering all the time here in my head and to osho….isn’t it osho!&^%%%*?

I am going to go under-covers and do-you-know-what…don’t put your camera there please…actually I don’t know or know what I want…must commune and cum the community…then can think better…perhaps then, the vulgarity will lessen…would that be nice? Or what? Dunno coz no balls to talk to me right? Scared ah! Aaahahahahaha … I don’t have a matcheet in my room at all…not even soft-headed-hammer…ha!ha!

Thank you for your patience. I love Malaysia and her people…or his people…does that matter? Not anymore I think.

Dear friends, my notebook osho just detected wireless networks (not one but 3) here at Kota Bharu, am I being tapped into, are my typings read by others directly – on-line, is it possible? Is the the Microsoft bastards (I am no longer using this word as its meaning is no longer applicable to the earth…do you agree…? Where can children be labled bastard just because the mother is not married the man she fucked? Tak masuk akal – cannot enter my brain – tak logik – not logic – let us delete it from our memories for good – bio-degradable word) are watching my work is it? Can you see how the US is manipulating all written works by using the Microsoft. Syabas to another system (what’s its name) I read it in NST 2 or 3 days ago at Hotel De’Palma for free of charge that Singapore and Malaysia (is it) launching another software, can I please have it…somebody load it for me please as you did by giving me the CD on renewable energy and allowing me to use the word pepper spray on my blog…god send…pls. continue to help me as you are my family now or is it? I will find out who you are and smoke you out of your hole as the US did or wanted to do with the bin Laden…watch out you &*^*&%^*Were they successful? Where is he now? Did thye leave him alone with a women/man? Why wasn;t saddam given such privileges…poor thing was just hiding in a hole behind a shed…teruknya (very bad).

Actually I just watched BBC News just now and missed you!


Please come and talk to me…scared ush! Why am I being watched? Why? Please tell me what is going on? Shy? Where is my coffee…ooopppssss…body..

(male) nice smelling body next to me..actually hugging me and caressing me very gently…very…very gently coz am afraid to be crushed by weight of other bodies…figure…ooops. You are a kadhalmannan-lah (DT:LOVE KING) … Mr. kamal hassan, how many womenhave ou fucked…lte me know-lah…next to many toerh questions on edxistence, etc. this was a another burning question that I ahe me…number what/ actually cannot-lah…you are too big fo…ooopsss…not like that…your ziwe…body is toobigaforme..amtoohotorwhat?

Dear Friends,

9.09am; Room 201; Restoran Nasi Kandar Pelita. Malaysia
Light a boltning if light...RENEWABLE ENERGY’ my head is hurting and I want to go under the covers and remain there for a long feet is so mis-behaved. I just heard the CD and wanted to run under-covers… please listen to this…

Renewable energy? Uh! I heard that too. What do you know about this? Is this solar energy? WHY CANNOT SAY SOLAR ENERGY…what is this jargon renewable energy, wonder how much of our (?) money was spent to coin this term – paid PR companies and copy writers right? Or did you sit by a river and created this word, do you know OSHO sat by rivers and came up with all the meditation techniques (7) (e’s my lover ma…Chinese colloquaial way of saying it…am laughing…trhank you …cbs …another day) just like that…flow was there just like the flowing river…meony won’t make you flow…relaxation does it…

WHERE IS THE MOVIE I ASKED TO PLAY AROUND THE GLOBE ‘CONTACT’? Have you made any arrangement for this? Who is working on this? What is the organization structure…c this is how NGOs will do to safe the environment, can hyou? Must do now….show me the movie man…am sitting with TV here…all of you…oi…come to pelita and sit with me and watcvh the moveie man…only if all in world watch with me as

“All WORLD is my home and All People are my siblings” WHAT TIME AH? TODAY WHAT TIME? Abang-abang, adik-adik, datuk-datuk-datin-datin, ibubapa (RAKYAT),

Tak mau cuti-kah? (direct translation: Don’t want holiday-kah?)

Putlah pressure si,kit (direct translation: put-lah pressure little) abang/adik/kakak/mm,….fuckies (a term coined by my male Punjabi friends for female fuckers)ha!ha!heeeehooooheeee am scared…ha!ha!

I AM A FORCE OF NATURE, DON’T FUCK WITH ME, but actually I am very scared of You (the smallest font fuckign bill gates can give…why cannot make small is it…small.&(*^*^ uis it?.

Please don’t touch my feet because if you do, I will immediately drop on all four and touch your feet too because we are all the same…you are my god as I am yours…Existence is our parent here on earth. Environment is our home and guardian on planet earth. In the end we become ONE! Please touch your feet and pray to yourselves. Love yourselves , touch yourselves... I wanted to say (am very hot now coz very shy) masturbate but cannot because I saw some of you touching yourselves…please do it in the privacy of your home/office/toilet/hotels/etc. btu not in public because we are still evolving…me too…maybe just for a short while, lets see where we get by next week.

Do you know how solar e is harnessed? How much do you pay the sun for sunning by the beach? Do you burn certain amount of cash and release in the air for the sun to collect? Ha!ha! Who do you pay for solar energy? You pay the producers of photovoltaic cells. What is this pundamavane cells? Photovoltaic cells are the giant sheets of don’t know what that is usually placed at roof tops etc. to get maximum exposure to the sun. This fucker traps so much of the sun and releases it as energy vvveeeerryyy slowly …converts into energy such as THE electricity [and what not…I think ENSEARCH (an NGO – I don’t know much about – GURMIT are you there…he is a true conservationist – I think) is involved in such project – energy conservation…Suzana and Kali at GEC told me and the Sun newspaper also told me sometime ago…forgot cosz of you know hwat/

what is this pundamavane cells? Or pundamavale cells? Can somebody tell me? who are the fuckers producing it? Can the rakyat know how the heat of the sun can be trapped by this cells?

Nombor satu – 1stly or (direct translation: Number 1), what are the components of the sun? I want the whole list…even if the list can circle around the globe and come back the this god-full-off-naski-kandar-pelita-restaurant. I want the list, even if we take one week to read it. WHAT ARE THE COMPONENTS MR. BUSH, I believe fucking America is producing this pumdanmgnaij cells thingamangi right? I watched in Discovery that there’s much research is being done on [oi mana boleh (direct translation: where can) on the sun] about the sun and from the time civilization started we have kept records of our research of sun…can somebody tell me who has these documents…we need to know? Mr. Bush Fires…have you seen it…have them read it to you during your bedtime? (do you know what I am talking about – ask Mr. Fuckibng ..whats his name..tambi or nimbi or nammeeb or beeb-beep…it was under his ass…

First we say the morning sun is good coz got vitamin D. Adakah (DT: got ah?)? Siapa makan (DT: who ate)? Where is the doctor who told the sun ray got vitamin D? Who is he? What is his name? I want to see him. Father…I told you I wanted to be a doctor, you-lah so poor, believed that fuycker kandasamy will send me to fucking Indai to fucking manipal to sgydui fuckign medicine…what happened, fucker fucked and left…aiuyoh (DT=Special term, say it as it is and feel its sound) kadavuleh (DT: GOD=ME)…manipal…am coing after your nfor charging sooomuch…. I hread that only abpout (50) % is it? goes for education …others go to where…around the world spent on womanizing..or maniiziongas (new term coined today + manizing – what do you think…how come we women did not have a term for this ah? Why you think we are not itching to fuck around ah? Actually I wanted to write I too and stopped becaweu that’s not what I want…doyouwant to know what I want, read until the end…last statement…aiyoh! Very shylah…covering my face)….don’t know… heheheha hahahhhehe am cominga…..

Now, porr bush fore adn little mermaid are shivering luife a leaf in typhoonm….wjhat have hyu mad3e me…

Actually osho is touching me now and am having an orgasm…ooohbhhhh…this is nice…just kidding coz scared…also I had orgasms each time I read the article on Bush Fire/LittleMerrmaid/ Spieldberg…etc. what a joke.

Now, after finding out about our vitamin D as one of the SUNs (Dr. Sundari this is not you, am talking about the actual nuclear powered sun) component.

Now this poundav,sadfno cell producers, do you know what the sun is made of? How it works…each moment there is a massive nuclear explosion is going on … the sun is a continuous explosion of nuclear …what-not…NASA help me here…or are you too paid under-table money by bush fire like he did against Kyoto protocol (KP)? I don’t know whats going on with the KP but it won’t leave my mind perhaps KP is also the short form for Kuala Pilah or the name my ex-punjabi-group-of-vulger-men-used-to-call-me-when-we-drank-at-Brickfields-Kajang-Bangi-pubs-etc. I fucked…letme see…Acitot, Bob, Kissed let me see..Itto,sparko (very sexy young man who look like whatisname..some Hollywood actor).

1st you said sun gives (in plastic packets is it?) vitamin D. Then you told don’t go to out from 11am – 3pm under the sun because the sun will give cancer…how uh… in a dulang (DT: tray) is it? Like mas kahwin (DT: Dowry) is it? Skin Cancer…coz hole in sky, blah…blah…oi…I am still waiting for the mearing tape in my humble room …sorry-lah wait outside with it until I can talk again ok…

Then sunddenly one day you say…RAKYAT…you here means ……………… the sun has many harmful rays but we still don’t know what…PREPARE THE LIST NOW.

Now that you know how long foscil fuel lasts (Read My Article Yesterday Right…illumination right? Fucker NAMBIB or NAMEEM or BEEBBEEPSPEEDYGONZALES at the RECEPTION OF the GOD-FORSAKEN-NASI-KANDAR-PUNDEK-PLACE (actually god is here when they play the prayers coz it moves me to tears) abducted my CD and have been keeping it under wraps …ooopppss under ass actually. Celaka India Dari Chennai (DT : what is celaka in English? I think it’s a special term like amok…hence in English CELAKA: Indain from Chennai – this is PR
…dunno why so jealouse to give people u knowledge…kedekut ilmu-kah (DT: knowledge stingy-kah?) I am so angry…Do you know if you give knowledge you gain more…idiot…stingy like van and valar…ha!ha! ssorry akkas… (Annex 1 carries my apology to all fuckers/fuckies).

As I said focscil (cs or sc uh?) fuel lasts for another 50 years it seems…BASKARAN, remember we had this illuminating conversation in the car, sooo openged’ on the way to don’t know where …in 2000 or when uh? Am sweating coz almost lied … anyway, I think even now the experts are saying another 50 years – betulkah, IS IT TRUE? can we ask PETRONAS, SHELL and ESSO’S R&D teams. Actually I want to know what’s their plan? DO you know these oil producing companies have secrets too…I think…

I heard that they have heavily funded Research and Development Teams at the SHELL AND ESSO AND PETRONAS..(I am coming with a matchett … actually soft headed hammer because I don’t know the leaders..memememe – if I am, you’ll go bnacrupt coz I will spend it all on pundamavane…renewable…energy ffrom the sourceless source..more to come…I just found out that you all know about nada brahma…OH!MY!GOD! … I feel like fainting…am I crazy or what…can I run away to some ashram in TIBET and hide for awhile coz I think I feel like vomiting now…stomach hurts…actually I will hide under covers first…gurs sais…actually I can’t believe this…to laugh, to cry , to what////??? I can’t talk anymore…ery very scared…fucker bill gates, make-lah smaller fonts..oh!oh! he’s gonna make…fadskf0e0rq34)

All below in small caps and font size 8 – just got sms but scard to read…what to do…
Shall I run away for awhile, find out more and come back? My car maybe towed soon as 3-months payment outstanding, must sell insurance but doc. but policy with baskaran, must pay Citibank RM500 (just found out that …. Can I have some privacy please…can’t I write first and then use a thumb dfrive to send the article to you?...shaking…with don’t know what…why?)

Citibank called and said that my minimum payment for this month is RM660 as the total has exceeded RM 200 to RM9200.

cause exceeded RM50 to a total of RM9050 and also this month insurance payment goes trhough Citibank RM175 plus RM570…want to know more…pavin, ma,pa…so mich top do and am hiding here…hwo to run…

I WANT TO GO home to Kuala Pilah to be with my family today. Pleasea let me see my loved ones…Pavin too (esp.).

“SINCE I HAVE NO INTERNET FACILITY AND OFFICE FACILITY AND THIS PLACE IS VERY SLOW IN EVERYTHING…I have gone into silence once again and am shutting off my mind to be in my heart. When I get what I want, you may start reading and laughing again”.

But completed the bwloe……butr I have lots of compassion, hence I leave the following for our pleasure…

Foscsil (sc or cs uh?) producers can we know the budget and what’s their plan in 50 years? What are we to do with our cars? What is going to happen to my poor SPECTERA KAI? Then what, we need to buy other types of vehicles or start jogging to work? APA PELAN BROTHER? What IS the plan brother? Please listen to the CD below and tell me what is this that is coming from the outer space, thoruhg win and air…through molten core of earth..blah…blah…THEY MEAN THE SUN….right? more money for copywriters…go sit bu the river outside ampang puteri specialist centre…best idea will come….

I have many questions but the only one I want to know is after deciding if the sun is good or bad for us (don’t give me morning, evening sun…business…speak science in simple/rakyat English/malay/tamil please) List of all the sun rays components - actually put it in a table Microsoft (Bill Gates…I’ll talk about you later…dunoo good or bad..) Words – open table – make 4 columns (1. no. 2. component of sun(science and rakyat terms-both), 3. good(%), 4. bad (%),…keep going until the end … don’t know right? Do you know scientists of earth or should we ask the photovoltaic pundamavanes so that they can manipulate the outcome too suit their needs (don’t know) …RAKYAT OF MALAYSIA shall we take them to task … soon we too might go for solar energy coz sometime ago the army tried it and thought too expensive…at that time in 1995/6 – when my prof. (was it Prof.Dr.Jamaluddin Jahi or Prof. Samad Hadi –s sexy name uh! or who?) told us, I thought why so cheao and stingy like valar and van…sorry akkas….ooopss…refer to annex1… like ypouknow who… actually I feel so sorry for them that I can cry anytime…thank you guru for holding me together…I will die here and now if not for my guru OSHO. I LOVE YOU OSHO…i think we’ll do that later….he!he! YUMMY! My guru said they think we are kidding…no…you won’t know anyway…please remove cameras…we need privacy tonight…guru says they’ll put nmore careama..ture ar? Am laughting..

But now I think its good coz US is calling it the RENEWABLE SOURCE OF THE FUTURE….very suspicouse … we may end up like goring pisang
(DT: banana fritters – my favorite but must be very soft – from veryveryripebanana…guru just said…thye may think old man…..fuck off…what do you know…wanna try some… we are going crazy today, the sleep did us good..thanks) after sometime…dunno….better know now. I think South America has already started practicing … was it Brazil Prof? Pleaes ask Prof. in Malaysia on renewable energy and solar energy…if you ask me, I will say NADA BRAHMA … and go to sleep with OSHO…he!he!he!he!

oi….researchger of the workd run around to all countries that has photvoltainc pundamavane cells and see how long ehyt ve used and see tge outcome… I think this is very urgent and important …


We Must KNOW what we are going to do before subscribing to it. Our representatives are always going for the (am very scared, earlier was very hot but now shaking) monies. STOP itlah…no need for money too much … don’t be greedy…see what happened to OSHO…he bought 93 or 97 rolls rouyce on a single day from U fucking S fucking A and wwhat happened…tishoooom…got shot and died …oh!oh! sorry that was Kennedy…they were smart…they killed him slowly and surely by arson…liiitttle by lltiotle…bloody rats…no BALLS to talk to him and scared he might mersmerize it seems…scared got not faith in yourself is it…fools…

SINCE I HAVE NO INTERNET FACILITY AND OFFICE FACILITY AND THIS PLACE IS VERY SLOW IN EVERYTHING…I have gone into silence once again and am shutting off my mind to be in my heart. When I get what I want, you may start reading and laughing again.


I have a story to tell about renewable energy…I have the answer…OSHO told me…want to know me, give me the facilities and I want and leave us alone to commune. Actually I was making a drama to introduce you OSHOs Nada Brahma CD…since tambi/nimbi/nambeeb/beebbeep…what-not (baskaran loves this word, does this word exist> please tell) did not give you the cd…Apparently you know about it…tcheh! No climax –lah….heheheehaajajajhaheheheh am scared….I AM THE FORCE OF NATURE and am not scared – at all…thanks to all of you, I slept so well last nite (just a minor confession – I took an anti-depressant-don’t’knowname…will try without it today…)

L laugh a lot vwhn I speak about osho…best…pleae let me go home to Kuala Pilah today. I have not been reading the papers or watching TV since don’t know when…was terribly shocked by the reception I received yesterday that I fell to peieces and forgot who I was and where I am…and all….thank you to my gurus for showing the light…

Can I go home To kuala pilah now…am scared

Dear friends, Actually, I was quite confused about my destinations as I am still evolving and need to know more. Also I adopted a no-plan life style to flow with nature sometime ago and have almost lost the ability do things in chronological order – as far as my life is concerned. Right now, I would like to be driven to Kuala Pilah to visit my entire family, spend sometime with them – maybe about 2 hours (more or less, let the decision not be mine) and then visit OSHOs ashram Switzerland and remain there for awhile to recuperate and learn more before I come back to the rakyat of Malaysia to scold more people…ha!ha!ha! I don’t know. I know what I want to do until Switzerland…after that let me not be the one to decide.

HOW TO MAKE THIS ARRANGEMENT – I did not write this…get me…I think sometimes that there’s something that’s sabotaging me here…but my gurus are taking good care of me. Please help me see my family before I leave the country for awhile.

I Love Malaysia. But not Restoran Nasi Kandar Pelita as I am very scared here now…I here strange sounds in the bathroom and ourside the door and yesterday someone switched on (am shivering) mosquito music for a while – 2 times, they bang doors so loudly and speak all sorts and disturb my peace, the windows to creak unnecesswary , keyboard goes on its on here…sometimes until I gegt pissed…

Am just kidding…please send a male up to see me. I need to be with my parents for a while…please don’t harm any in my family…I love them so much…

I am holding all together well and thanks to my gurus.

Where is annex 1? I don’t know because I am shaking like a leaf and my body is hurting…heart too…



I am extending my stay for another day (indefinitely) and be back later from Kuala Pilah. LOVEYEALL.

I APOLOGIES (THOUSAND APOLIGES – pix me with both palms together at my chest with a turban like the famous Indian guy _____________ (forgot namelah, youknowwhy) in mind-your-language movie shaking my head left and right– ha1ha!ha!) for not doing this yesterday … tak cukup tidurlah (not enough sleep)…I am doing this – leaving this image cos I deon’t want you to touch my feet and make a god because you are my god.

What about this

Tiu-nah-seng, tiu-nah-mah….hiyah…apmacakma…FUCK OFF AND LEAVE ME ALONE….he!ja@je4@ RP493084LFDEF[4Q3

However please protect me…

*scared* pls tell wahts happening? Why like this? Wh’s this? Suddently things appear in my OHSO notel=book..whos’ putting em here? NASA? Microsoft? What? People of Kelantan/ tok Guur? My furors? Bukit Aman/ Police force/ femalies? What? Pleae advise!

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