Sunday, June 24, 2007

My Plea-07-05-28

IS THE WORLD READY FOR ME? Have you accepted me for who I am? Can I talk like this? I must confess that if I don’t I get terribly, terribly scared…don’t know what to do…come on man are we all not sscared of what we don’t know YET! I still don’t know lots of stuff and I am learing along side with you – holding my hands…all I know is that I want the environment repaired and the whole world to connect to this sourceless energy that is all around us – waiting to pour into us and renew us. We just need to move some blocks – some red-taps – some discrimination – prejudice – sexual believes – in fact – all believes. Just stay with me and go where I am going, open your heart like an innocent child. I saw a mother clutching her baby on her lap and driving outside my window, others too with your messages, we are together with this…in this…out this…my heart aches and I am very touched that I want to cry but cannot be sad because that is not the way. We must do this with a happy heart, laughing our way to paradise, we must laugh because it means a lot to the universe…cannot do Indian drama (like the mega-serial Annamalai anymore)… must be like Conan and Jay and Lettermen…our messiahs…the only way to heal is to laugh…Don’t judge me. Just a little more serious stuff

Is this whats happening? “Our darkside or the other side-of-god have been unfairly treated and judged…just let lose and go with me..allow me to use these words that are vulgar to us society but are divine to the universe because we comprise all – GOD = EVIL + GOOD. This definition is only for our society, within we are all the same (good and bad). Our healing is important for the whole = universe…please allow me to use these words, especially the following (this is very important ..*sigh*)

- mothers
- children
- religious leaders – all of them
- conservatives
- politicians are ok
- I don’t know …

Please tell me if I am doing wrong because we cannot be scared anymore, what we feel affects the whole = universe because we as souls recide in our hearts and our hearts need healing for others to heal too. WE ARE GODS. All = whole need us to be happy.

Please watch ‘contact’ acted by Jodie Foster, when she looks at creation and says

“I had no idea” with tears in her eyes in AWE…tell me how you feel..

Please show this movie for all people of earth to watch at the same time around the globe. This is my special plea in all languages, we must be ONE in this…watch this together as one. Lets stop work for 2hrs (I think) – just be with me, watch this movie and when she travels out of earth and watches creation and says “I HAD NO IDEA” with tears in her eyes AND AWE… feel it … then perhaps we can talk more. This is the closest can a human feel right now because we still do not know a lot! Because I am feeling it and I can’t create anymore for a while as I need to soak this in…you too right…we are all connected and we feel together. We have all suffered in silence for too long without a proper direction. Today EXISTENCE is giving us a way because we have opened up our painful hearts to love, with love we will FEEL joy again. But first we must be AWED by existence and its immensity before we continue.

Please do the following:

1. Inform every inhabitant of earth (almost done) to tune in at 1 channel – discovery channel .. oh about without TV…gather them…take time to do this…because we must be one on this…play the movie around the globe at the same time and lets watch it together (get it translated so that the meaning is not lost). Please lets start with this. We will not go poor if we don’t go to work for a day right. Let earth take a break (I mean us = we are earth) for 2 hrs to hear…please.. USE pa SYSTEMS AND GIANT SCREENS.

I can’t be funny now because it is painful…we are all in pain together…lets not laugh and get into this pain … feel her awe…(she tought me awe – long time before I started meditating – thank you Ms. Foster for your contribution to the continuation of our survival.

After that , I wIll send you the below…

I WANT TO TALK BUT I CAN’T BECAUSE I DON’T KNOW HOW TO TALK…words are not needed anymore…they confuse and make us mis-understand…lets try to talk less and feel more. HEART IS WHERE GOD IS = GOD = SOUL = RECIDES IN THE HEART – Mr. Subramaniam told me and I confirmed.

WE NEED TO REMOVE BLOCK (hatred, anger, faith in believes, prejudice, jealousy = for now, for this movie, because we need to heal and feel…after awe, maybe there …there will be no division oof negative and positive…we will know that all is one. WHEN YOU ARE IN LOVE, DO YOU FEEL ANGRY? Love heals all wounds – laughter heals all wounds.

HAVE A NUTTY FESTIVE SEASON…make sure to buy ……..not now…

‘what did I feel with the to feel awe?’

My experience:

I felt the surge of blood from the heart shooting all over my body (heart is the sun of our body as all circulate around it); every pore in my body felt it…moved to tears at how vast, magnificent, beautiful, I don’t know…together it will be different…Mr. Bush, Mr. Arial Sharon, Mr. Speilberg, Mr. Lim Kok Wee, FAizal, Sundary. Chee, myself, mother, father, vanmathy, valarmathy, tamby bin khairul, hafez bin pavin, osho, Mr. Subramaniam, Mr. menon, Tan Sri RAzali, PM Dr. mahathir, PM Abdullah, former Abdullah, Dr. Wan Azizah, OPEC Leaders, Kofi Annan, Devendrav, all big shots, UNFCCC, International conventions, KALAI, Sham, Singam, chico, hariharan, ruby, wani, vanillah coke, coks, bukit binting boys, all fat people of the earth…I truly apologize if I have offended you but I will continue, please let the world laugh…don’t know why, the world want to laugh and you are the source…EXISTENCE thank you and will take good care of you and your families for the well being of the universe.


We HEARD YOU. WE ARE HAPPY. LETS DO THIS ONE WITH OUR HANDS HELD TOGETHER…how…IN OUR HEARTS.. pls give me tv and let me know channel…also a tee-shirt, some food – mushroom soup would do. Apple juice. And vanilla coke…Oh Gosh Itnernet pleae

I would love to continue but words muck things up too much…enough…lets move from head to heart. Tell us the time please…very important…soon.

I can’t …….but no need to run out anumore …thank yuu to muy fellow siblings…

Why did he die? The Japanese Minister (of Agricuolture is it>) Don’t know yet but I think I egt the pix, his mind must have been hell…shy? Societies cruelty to minds…or cure…dunno! Was he a bad man? Why did he die? could


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