Sunday, June 24, 2007


My dog ate US made holistic select lamb meals & rice formula with oatmeal a formula... It wass a free sample givn by epicure boutique for pets by Olivia for Renganayagi my puppy I found at the garbage dump day before yesterday. However whe was more akin to garbage and Ramu was more sophisticated. Ramu is used to leftover chicken bones and fat from Azeez CafĂ© a shop owned by En.Azeez, an Indian Muslim friend of my father. Azeez died recently and left his shops to his sons and my father is still benefiting from Azeez. I dodnt know US offered healthier food for healthier pet sample trial size (approximately 4 oz). Wah! We can benefit from Melawati all the way from United States of America, they so rich ah? [p;-pjhhhhhddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddemnj…my cat blackie decided to type and she said the above while I was trying to snap a picture of her using my Sony Ericsson my mobile telephone/walkman/camera.

"I don
t know how to cut and paste pix of my!"

My ma is sleeping next to my OSHO the notebook. I just sent the pictures of my cats ass to baskaran for continuing to manipulate me and my family members of 5 – ma/pa/bro/nephew/sis-in-law – what to do? Today is 22nd June 2007 and its now 2.37pm. My cat just said something soft and silly and I think she meant that my dad is not feeling too well and that I need to spend some time with him and herself/himself – rather unsure of the cats sex. What to do?
I knew uncle Azeez from the time I got to know me, he was a permanent feature in our family – if not in person he is in our conversation at home. I was so sad to hear of his departure to don’t know where but I am sure it’s a better place than here. Actually I am in a good mood today but am fed-up of people lying to me. I understand that its very difficult to be truthful but don’t-lah cry and laugh at my expense. I don’t know what I am saying but certain people know what I am saying and I hope they withdraw. Oh! I am now sitting in the room I was from 1982 until now in Kuala Pilah, Negri Sembilah Darul Khusus…abenda DK (not Darkside Conference..please refer to Is SAC still operational? Mr. Subramaniam, how are you sir? Anyway we moved to No.63, Rumah Rakyat Melang, 72000 Kuala Pilah in 1982 and I was so excited then because finally we had a proper toilet, not a hole with a hut built on it. How many years ah… after 25 years I am back with my mom and a cat next to me…some things never change and all things change…get me? Oh! AM I too advanced for this world? Is that why I was in WAD (Direct Translation: WARD) – PSY (short form for Pshychiatric – 1 of the Kuala Lumpur General Hospital? My story at the ward follows:

Now I know why I want to be at Permai Court 2 inspite of being beaten by a chair on my head by a thug of Indian origin…rumah RAKYAT (DT: CITIZEN) silly… we Indians call it poorviga vasanai, it means old/ancient memory (is it?). Do you want to know what happened and why I was beaten/yelled/pushed/prodded by 4 males and a female? Keep reading my blogs or maybe I’ll ask you to pay me money…he!he!he!

He it goes at the nut house that is not filled with nuts but run by some nutty nuts…

15th June 2007 (time: Unknown); wad-psy-1, GH, KL. My cat is beating up my osho the notebook because jealous of all the attention…

Dear Diary,

This pen sucks! Pink colour – can you imagine! The staff here are nice today. They returned my UHT Dutch Lady Low Fat Chocolate Milk. Why?

Today is 23rd June 2007, guess how I know, I had to check the expiry date of my hi-Fibre, Hi-Five bread that I had for breakfast this morning at Permai Court 2, my heavenly home that is now livable and presentable to the hospital personnel who will be visiting me anytime soon, home call I suppose…do they do home calls? Or am I very, very special???

My coffee is bitter. I just added another packet of sugar – is the quantity a teaspoon-full? I feel so sorry for the inmates of Wad-Psy-1 (Ward-Psychiatry-1) at the General Hospital of Kuala Lumpur as they must be feeling trapped because all doors and windows are locked and food is given at the stipulated time. It is now 1:08pm and they must have had their lunch served at 11.30am and must be waiting for tea time due at 3.30pm. Guess how I know? I was there for 8 days from dunno…must check the dates later. Just checked my Sony Ericsson Vodafone – my mobile telephone/walkman/camera and she says I was arrested on 11th June 2007 and sent to Wad-Psy-1 (Ward-Psychiatry-1) at the General Hospital of Kuala Lumpur and was released on 19th June 2007 (Tuesday)…actually I spent 8 nights and 8 days there. Why? Another time. Guess where I am now? I am at the Jaya Jusco WAngsa Maju Dunkin Donut Outlet enjoying ‘Today Special’ coffee and just had a vege sandwich in wholemeal bread…yummy but a little dry and heavy – I mean the bread. I enjoy their sandwiches as they taste divine and easy to hold. I also love to have them cut into half! Usually I enjoy coffee ‘kurang manis’ (Direct Translation: less sweet), the mysterious thingy is that whenever I have coffee in supermarker/mall outlets such as Dunkin Donuts and Coffee places like Delifrance (is this how its spelled?), san franscisco, coffee bean, etc…very bitter-lah their coffee…I have to tambah (DT: add) extra sugar…oh! I forgot to tell you that I heard baskaran telling me that in prison, the inmates have to do sexual favors to the warders for a teaspoon full of sugar..ooopss…minta maaf (DT: sorry) I won’t talk about this coz I do not want to end up in the luxury prison at the General Hospital of Kuala Lumpur – wad-psy-1…thousand apologies sirs and madams.

I just tipped the waitress cum maitre de for sending me the coffee to my table. I don’t fancy (hate) self service places because I am self servicing all the time – at home and at other homes and I would love to be serviced at least at places that I pay for my food…hmmmm…not all dreams can be a reality-kan? (DT: kan?; not direct translation: right?). My tip was just about 35 cents and its better than a blow job for a teaspoon full of sugar at prisons. I think this happens at all prisons in the world. Guess how I know? INTEREST IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR. Since baskaran was arrested and imprisoned for Criminal Breach of Trust, I took special interest in issues related to prison/inmates/warders/sexual favors such as blow jobs/sodomy/orgy/etc. I watched all the movies available in Malaysia on prison stories including the “experiment” and ‘Shawshank Redemption’. I feel for prisoners. But people say they deserve to be treated like junks because they are the waste of society but my believe is different. I think they need love, compassion and a little…no…a lot of respect and consideration. They are special people because they do not conform and are exercising their innate characters. Let me tell you a story I read in one of OSHO’s books:

Another time…I have to go to IKEA now as its been calling me since yesterday. I need to make my home a lot more comfortable, green and illuminating as the whole building is dark and desolate. My home is my heaven and my office too. Please refer to the pix below. (DT of text: My Home My Heaven).

Aiyoh…I have such a long walk to the car to collect my parking ticket – at don’t know what floor and bring it down to ground floor of the building to make the payment. I tried to tell them that I’ve lost the ticket and can I be let off free as I am a member of the Jusco Team – I have the SPECIAL Jusco Card Ok…and we get free parking all the time. Alas, the building procedure is such that I’ll have to pay RM20 if I don’t have the card…the supervisor said that its for security reasons, in case people steal other peoples cars and come down and tell them that the card is missing…as if the RM20 will compensate for a car worth ??? Are there cars worth RM20? If someone had lost the parking ticket, wouldn’t it be wiser if the person is escorted to the car and asked to verify some of the items in the car to ascertain if she/he is the owner before letting them go free (if they have jusco card) or charge them from 10.30am – the time the shopping centre opens? The BIG BROTHERS do not care about small people like the rakyat (DT: Citizen) like me, isn’t it enough that they are so big and rich, why want to make our life miserable. We give them our money and our strength (all the walking-ler (DT: ler [Malaysian cartoonist use this term for ‘lah’ and ‘lah’ is a popular term used by Malaysian for almost all sentences just because it sounds fun – we are fun people…he!he!]).

IKEA IS CALLING …gotta go now…more later.

1.25pm; 25th June 2007: We Are Back in Business...My house looks divine too...but don't know how to show you...what to do? IKEA HAD ILLUMINATED MY HOUSE but they need to improve on their customer service here at Kuala Lumpur...dunno about other outlets in other cointtires coz never been...der.

Today I found out that I am being watched all over the world..I feel excited/exhilarated/full-of-holes-as-my-former-friend-carol-chin-used-to-say-'like-a-tea-strainer'...dunno what to do or whom to see...wat about KP Waran...will you see me and listen to me? I saw your only...7.6million have read me through you...thank you. Do you want to listen to more...more postings in a while...actually I am very tired because its too early in the morning, need some coffee first or zzzz...dunno which is whcih...more later or tomorrow, if I return from Wad-Psy-1 {Ward-Psychiatry (or Psychiatric) -1} of the Kuala Lumpur General Hospital where I have an appointment at 11am. Apparently Baskaran is also coming - my brother Khairul@Tambi (tambi means little brother in Tamil language) as he is also following me to lend me support.

He made me laugh so much today and last few days. You see...the doctors have given me some tablets/pills to alter my irritable mood - I mean mood stabilizers (I think!). Therefore, whenever my family members like stingy Valar, schizophrenic baskaran (he is still a family member becuase the divorce has not happnened), ma or pa thorw a fit or mis-behave like tamil drama serials, he calls me or when he talks to me, he says "they/he/she need(s) the pill very badly'. Now it is understood between the both of us that if ssomeone need the pill, they are mis-behaving...ha!ha!ha! I found this so funny. My brother and I have always shared many private/personal jokes like this about others and we have found each other again. I feel love for him. Oh! Another announcement.,...I have forgiven baskaran and my mother but am upset with dad Sivalingam because he was instrumental in getting me admitted in the ward - the lixiry proson as I call it...oopppss....mum is the word...

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